(403) 230-1014 info@decca-design.com
The Before Project

The Before Project

Capturing the before photos is a great reference tool during our second step in our process. The site survey also includes measuring and observing the nuances, aspects and challenges your project may have. While we are not capable of seeing everything at this stage it...
The Start

The Start

The first step in our process is to determine what the needs and expectations are from the client. We accomplish this with a series of questionnaires and discussions relating to how they currently live in the space, what is working and what is not working and what is...
Foothills Academy 40th Anniversary

Foothills Academy 40th Anniversary

At Decca Design Inc. we believe in the power of education. We follow the adage “Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day; teach him how to fish you feed him for life” We are a proud supporter of the Foothills Academy. This year they will celebrate 40 years “ Ensuring...
Have you visited our website before?

Have you visited our website before?

You may notice that it will look different this time. We have recently updated our website decca-design.com with a new design, new features and a new interactive navigation for a better user experience. Our gallery has been sorted into categories and has a search tool...
Efficient Spaces for an Amazing Family

Efficient Spaces for an Amazing Family

We have been asked repeatedly what does a typical project entail? What steps will we have to go through? How frustrating and overwhelming is this process? The team at Decca Design Inc. thought that a blog to walk you through a project from design to completion and all...