(403) 230-1014 info@decca-design.com
Foothills Academy 40th Anniversary

Foothills Academy 40th Anniversary

At Decca Design Inc. we believe in the power of education. We follow the adage “Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day; teach him how to fish you feed him for life” We are a proud supporter of the Foothills Academy. This year they will celebrate 40 years “ Ensuring...
Have you visited our website before?

Have you visited our website before?

You may notice that it will look different this time. We have recently updated our website decca-design.com with a new design, new features and a new interactive navigation for a better user experience. Our gallery has been sorted into categories and has a search tool...
Why Give Back?

Why Give Back?

As a business and as a team, Decca Design Inc. believes it is essential to give back to our community and the people that support us.  In this modern day, we need to be aware of how our activities are affecting others. Are we being mindful of the effects of our...
Why does Jennifer love design?

Why does Jennifer love design?

The idea of starting a design business was an exciting idea all those years ago. As a child she was constantly exposed to the concepts of design and construction and in awe of the idea that a solution could be communicated and executed in such a way as to bring it to...