(403) 230-1014 info@decca-design.com

Has being at home made you look at your space differently?

Like many of you, I too have been working from home and self-quarantined. Our world is evolving rapidly and we are all having to adapt. This is a scary time. No doubt we are dealing with fear, high anxiety and uncertainty. How can we stay healthy and positive right now?

I have appreciated the great tips for physical and emotional health during these unsettled times.

  1. Minimize negative media exposure
  2. Maintain a sleep schedule
  3. Maintain an eating schedule
  4. Do 20 minutes of physical activity daily
  5. Connect socially but safely
  6. Practice self-nurturing
  7. Laugh
  8. Do one positive thing a day

Have you been altering your home to better nurture and support yourself at this time? I think we all have a little trapped energy right now, so how can we use it in a constructive manner?

I completed my first ever virtual consultation last week. It was great to connect, see a friendly face and experience the virtual tour of the home. With an already longer than expected self -isolation period, they were thinking it was time to change things up. In an hour, we discussed a few options, exchanged new ideas, and made an action list for the next steps in executing the plan. There were simple items on the list that would make a good impact in a short amount of time.

  1. Purging the clutter – Sort those ever-growing piles of papers on your desk or the corner of the kitchen counter. File the important stuff and recycle the rest! Get a bag and pull out 5 things from each closet in your house that do not fit or haven’t been worn in a while. You will be amazed at how quickly you can fill up a bag.
  2. Eliminating non-essential furniture and reorganize – Do you have that piece from a relative that has been sitting there for a while… It’s not your favorite! It doesn’t go with your look. Take it downstairs. Keep it out of sight for the moment and reorganize the remaining pieces. Reconfigure the room and see if that breathes new life into the space.
  3. Attack your “Spring Clean” – Now is the perfect time to pull out the contents of those cupboards and give everything a good wipe. Wipe down the baseboards and light fixtures that have been neglected. Be proud of your space.
  4. Complete one item on the ever growing to-do list – Pick the easiest thing to do. Replace a light bulb, hang that picture on the wall or fix the screen door. One day soon you will need it.
  5. Paint or refresh – Make it a group project and change out the color on a feature wall or freshen up the kid’s bedrooms. We are spending lots of time at home – Make it a happy space.


As a family, they have some great ideas to execute together. A virtual consultation helped them get renewed energy for their home and the projects on their list.

There are great programs to help you chose a new paint color. You simply take a picture of the current space and digitally alter the wall color. Check out:

  • Home Depot Project Color
  • Olympic Paint Visualizer

If you are needing some inspiration, check out Pinterest.com. We can be found at Decca Design.

Did this resonate with you? Has this been helpful? Please respond with your thoughts and tell us what’s on your Design Mind.