(403) 230-1014 info@decca-design.com

Starting a Dental Practice – #3 – Your Design Team

Who’s in your corner? Selecting your design team!

You are a busy person – how are you going to carve out the time to create this new clinic?

Any successful project has a team of individuals who are experts in their field and will deliver great value to your project. You need to get a clear understanding of what services they can provide and how they will be communicating with you, the client. This is your practice, can they be a team member?

Are you a good personality fit? You are going to be spending a good deal of time with this person. Will they truly listen to your needs? Do they understand what a budget is? Can they create a cost-effective plan? What has been their experience in designing dental offices?

Who will be making the decision for your practice? If you have a partner they should be involved from the beginning. There is nothing more challenging to a project than a silent partner that chooses not to be “Silent”. Can they add value to the process? What is their experience?

Your design team

Your design team needs to be able to help extract your vision and ideas and understand your long term goals. They need to help you plan for the present and future needs considerations of your practice.

Who will they be working for? At Decca Design Inc. we have made it our objective to only work for the dentist. We want to ensure that we are representing what is best for you and what will meet your objectives.

Relationships and establishing trust

Your project’s success is built on building a relationship and establishing trust. You need to be comfortable to express your concerns and know that they will be acknowledged and understood. After all, this is not our clinic! We are a guide to helping you realize your dream space.

We believe in true communication with honest interactions. You need to be able to pick up the phone or send an email and be able to express your thoughts and ideas. Only then, can we work together to create a successful practice.

Is this resonating with you? Has this been helpful? Check out our website at decca-design.com

Please share your thoughts and tell us what’s on your Design Mind.