(403) 230-1014 info@decca-design.com

Starting a dental practice –  #11 – Your Contractor

It’s time to swing a hammer! You have been waiting a while for this.

Are you getting excited?

The contractor

This defines the fifth step of Decca Design Inc.’s seven step process. All documents have been prepared and signed off and we are ready to go for tender. You may already have a contractor in mind and a tender will not be required. If not, we will typically tender to three contractors to ensure you are getting the best pricing.

Not all decisions are based on pricing. We are also looking to understand the contractor’s capacity and ability to meet your timeline objectives.

By having compiled all your decisions into the contract documents, the pricing should be accurate to the scope outlined in the drawings. This will ensure a fair comparison between the contractors. You are looking for an “apples to apples” bid. Have the included all the same items? Have they added or deleted?

Once the budget and final contract documentation has been established, we still recommend a contingency. This is designed to accommodate unknowns or additional costs incurred during the construction phase.

Project administration

Decca Design Inc. believes in being present throughout your whole project from concept to completion. Once a contractor has been awarded we will begin our Project Administration services. These project administration services will continue during the construction timetable and conclude following the deficiency completion.

It is important to have someone following through on the construction of your project. You may not be familiar with construction processes or check points. We can be your eyes on the site.

We are acting as your owner’s representative and advocating for what is best for you. Remember we only work for you!

Project administration means we will be attending weekly site meetings, prepare minutes of the meeting, photograph the progress, and relay information to yourself and others.

Changes will come up! We can manage these change orders and questions as they come from the contractor. Assembly of the final deficiency list, gathering the required project completion documents and the preparation of a maintenance manual are all included.

This time should be fun and exciting, not overwhelming and frustrating.

Let us be your advocate and protect your best interests during this construction phase of your project.

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