(403) 230-1014 info@decca-design.com

Starting a dental practice – #1 – Where to Start?


Thinking about creating a new dental practice? Are you feeling overwhelmed and don’t know where to start?

We have over twenty years of experience helping our clients realize their dreams of a new dental practice so let our experience be a guide to many decisions that will be required before you can step foot in your completed clinic.

While this could feel like an exciting new adventure there is also a lot of questions that are coming up for you. You could be experiencing some overwhelm at where to start? Who can help me? How much is this going to cost?

Why are you wanting this? Have you sat down to actualize your goals? What is the driving force behind this decision? You will be spending a great deal of time here. Does this help your family? Can you bring value to your community and ensure the health of your patients in a new environment? This is a long term decision that will affect your practice and your family’s future.

Once you are clear on why you are starting this new adventure then you can start to dive into the who, what, where, and when. Start gathering a team of experts that will be able to assist you with your project and help realize your goal in a timely manner with a budget that meets your criteria. Your team should consist of a

  • financial advisor,
  • legal representative,
  • dental supplier,
  • design team and
  • A construction team.


Next you will need to establish a budget. This should include start up fees, dental equipment and supplies, design expenses, construction costs, IT and hardware and finally the furniture and furnishings to complete you space.

Determine the milestones for your project and establish a realistic timeline to complete this project.

There are many components to think about and well there will be challenges this is also a very exciting time.

At Decca Design Inc. we use our seven step process to ensure your project will be done on-time, on- budget with a quality finished product. Your frustrations will be eliminated and the real benefit to you is that you will feel in control at all times while getting a space that is uniquely yours.

We would love to hear from you. We don’t want to be the only one talking.

Add a comment below and let us know the #1 question you have when it comes to starting a clinic.

Or book a complimentary Design Exploration Call today on our website at decca-design.com/contact