(403) 230-1014 info@decca-design.com

Check out these new products!
Check out the Bradley’s Wash Bar

It’s completely touch less hand washing – Clean, Rinse + Dry.

Because the soap, water and dryer in this modern system is contained within the sink, it eliminates water splashing around the sink and around the floor. It also means no paper towel dispenser and waste bins to mount on the wall and leaves the room with a sleek modern design.


Teknion Expansion

Stand-up/Sit-Down Desk Full Gable concealment

Teknion Expansion offers this full gable height adjustable desk. Go from sitting to standing with the push of a button! All the mechanics are hidden.  What a great way to keep style and adjust-ability in the office place.


Tierra Sol


Angora Mosera is a glazed high definition porcelain series with detailed veining similar to marble. This tile is available in 5 unique colors and numerous sizes perfect for traditional and modern designs.


Contact us today if you would like to discuss the use of these innovative products in your space.  www.decca-design.com/contactus