Cork – Not Just Another Wine Stopper – Part 2

We know the “world is a-changing!”
Cork is an innovated product that has been around for years but the applications have evolved. This eco friendly “green renewable, recyclable resource” is a great product for wall décor with both artistic appeal and acoustical properties. Some fascinating features of this product are disussed by this months guest blog submission
Guest Blogger – Jim Hill From Hill Architectural Solutions – Calgary
Looking for a Green alternative to finish your décor? Something that will not have you feel guilty about removing it from the environment. Have you thought about CORK?
Cork for Walls and Acoustics
More recently, cork has seen a growth in use as a highly decorative, warm and acoustic wall covering. Cork as a wall covering can provide improved in room acoustics as well as a great aesthetic with a wide variety of options from Hill Architectural Solutions. These options include a natural look to a dyed coloured appearance in different shapes and sizes.
The Capri and Muratto lines have many possibilities and choices available.

Cork Acoustics
Cork provides both absorption and diffusion of sound when used on wall and ceiling surfaces. The acoustic performance of cork tiles alone cannot replace fiberglass based acoustic panels when glued directly to a wall or ceiling surface. However, they can provide an NRC of up to 0.30 when glued directly to the surface substrate. This is often enough for smaller spaces to soften the sounds in the rook. With a few installation adaptations, they can have their acoustics enhanced by cleating them off the wall.

There are also a number of natural looking options that can add a rustic tone to a space:

Cork wall tiles or strips are also available in a range of decorative patterns to choose from as well as a wide variety of colours.

Cleaning of Wall Cork on Walls:
- Blot up spills and spots immediately (Standing or trapped moisture can penetrate which can
cause irreversible discoloration and damages). - Vacuum and / or dust mop the wall to minimize abrasive grit and dirt. Note: Do not use vacuum with beater bars.
- If more vigorous cleaning is needed, you can clean wall with BonaX surface cleaner available from your local hardware store. One manufacturer recommends a Terry Cloth to prevent scratching or marring of wall.
- ALWAYS WIPE DRY IMMEDIATELY until no moisture is visible on the wall. Do not use wax, polish, oil soap, abrasive cleaners, steel wool, scouring powder, or ANY appreciable amount of water
- Do not use wet mops, wet scrubbers or steam cleaners as these products may cause irreversible discoloration and
More Information and Pricing
If you would like to learn more about the possibility of cork as an answer to providing warm, interesting finishes to your project. Please contact Jim Hill of Hill Acoustic Architectural Solutions or Katherine Leavens of For Design Group.

Guest Blog Courtesy of Jim Hill – Hill Architectural Solutions 403-589-2428
If you are needing some inspiration, check out our website at or We can be found at Decca Design.
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