Rapidly Growing Commercial Services Provider

Services Used:
Interior Design & Planning
Interior Furniture and Furnishings
This electrical services provider was in a growing stage for their company. Currently they were planning on occupying 2500 square feet of new office space with expansion plans within 12 months to double the square footage. The space needed to be flexible and easily adaptable as the needs of this organization changed. Their estimating department was the heart of the operation. Enormous amounts of drawings, products and documentation to manage. The biggest challenge was easy accessibility to numerous key individuals prior to completing a bid. The timeline was tight and there were budget considerations.
The Solution:
The completed project balanced these aesthetic and functional components of this thriving company.
RODI Results:
Decca Design’s solution for the electrical services provider yielded a significant RODI by creating an efficient space with ample room for growth and adaptability. The combination of open and closed offices, along with mobile walls and furniture, ensured that the space could evolve with the company’s expanding needs. The estimating department was transformed into a model of organization and efficiency, essential for the heart of their operations. This thoughtful design approach not only adhered to the tight timeline and budget but also positioned the company for greater efficiency and success in its future endeavors.