(403) 230-1014 info@decca-design.com

My New Toy!

I want to give a special shout out to Rebecca at IXL for my new favorite toy. Check out the video on Instagram of me playing with the purple hippo. It is a combination of a chew toy and tugging rope. Two in one!


I like to run down the hallway with the toy and then crash onto my bed. Katherine hangs on to the one side while we pull on the rope. I always win but she is a good sport for playing along.


The bright purple hippo doesn’t get lost in the office and I can bring it with me to meetings. Sometimes the humans look a little stressed out so I bring them my toy and they stop what they are doing to play with me. I am the perfect stress relief for a long day of work.


You should try it sometime. When things aren’t going your way just stop and pet your furry friend. We both benefit.


Until next time – have a great day!


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