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So I have been having lots of fun playing around on the floor. I spend most of my time down there and have been making a few observations. Some floors are cold, slippery and dirty. Let me tell you more.

I love playing outside and then when it’s time to come in you can see my little wet paw prints. It’s like a map showing you exactly where I have been. Cool for me… maybe not so much for everyone else.

The tile is cold on my paws and very slippery, unless it has heat below – this is usually not where I like to hang out. That hardwood stuff looks real pretty until I get playing around – I found out that it scratches really easy! Might not be the best choice for a dog and the worst part is there is no traction when we toss the ball.

Carpet is by far the most cozy and it catches all of the extra fur that falls off my body. That is very convenient.

What floor do you have… have you asked your pets what they think of it?

Let me know, Jax.

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