(403) 230-1014 info@decca-design.com

At Decca Design Inc. we believe in the power of education. We follow the adage “Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day; teach him how to fish you feed him for life”

We are a proud supporter of the Foothills Academy. This year they will celebrate 40 years “ Ensuring that students with learning disabilities (LD) are celebrated and supported to reach their full potential”. Decca Design will be donating to their fall gala and their fundraising efforts.

They were featured in the “Business in Calgary” magazine, November 2019.

To read further visit: http://businessincalgary.com/november-2019/changing-lives-for-40-years/

For more information on the Foothills Academy you can visit their website www.foothillsacademy.org

Foothills Academy

745 37 Street NW

Calgary, AB T2N 4T1

Phone: 403-270-9400