(403) 230-1014 info@decca-design.com

Your clinic environment needs to support a positive patient experience – or they won’t come back

Does your space make your patients feel relaxed when they visit?

Do your check in and exit procedures support a positive patient experience?

The built environment is the first impression people notice. Within seconds, they’re judging you, your services and their experience.

Today, let’s talk about your clinic from the patient’s perspective.

When a patient first enters your clinic, what do they see, what do they hear and how quickly do you put them at ease? A calming environment can be achieved with the right colors on the wall, soothing background music and a helpful, friendly greeting. The waiting room serves to relax, provide valuable education and supports the overall impression of their visit.

When was the last time you evaluated your space?  Assess your current environment through the eyes of the patient by evaluating the condition of your furniture, walls and finishes.  Ensure they look maintained; they could be judging your technology and services based on these factors.

Create an atmosphere where your customers look forward to their next appointment. When your patient leaves feeling happy they will want to tell others.

For over 20 years, Decca Design has helped doctors, dentists and business owners create spaces that positively impact their bottom line and deliver an exceptional user experience.

We want to ensure a return on your design investment – we call this RODI.

For more ways to keep your clients coming back and referring others, follow us! Until next time…tell us what’s on your design mind.