(403) 230-1014 info@decca-design.com

10 ways to update your office for $1000 or less.

We have discussed previously the impact that design has on your client’s first impressions and their overall experience when engaging with your business.

As designers, we also understand how their interactions can impact your bottom line.  We are aware that everyone has a budget and one needs to be mindful of these limits.  We don’t believe that good design has to have a high price tag attached to it.  The team at Decca Design Inc. has compiled our top 10 ideas on ways you can update your office and have a positive effect on your customer.

  1. Artwork – Changing up the imagery or adding artwork if not currently installed is a great way to enhance your space. It can be cost effective, meet clean ability requirements and help establish a mood or atmosphere.
  1. Paint – A refresh can be achieved with paint touch-ups with the same color or damaged walls or to create an accent wall within the existing space and color scheme. Painting only the waiting room to achieve a better first impression can go a long way.
  1. Signage – Many reception or waiting areas do not have signage to depict the company with the office. This can be an opportunity to explain your services, core values or important features.  Signage can include many different applications.
  1. Deep Cleaning – A deep steam clean of the carpeting or flooring can improve the visual and the odors in your office. You can also deep clean furniture, walls and ceiling fixtures.  Are there dead bugs in your light fixtures?  When was the last time you sanitized the children’s area?
  1. Lighting – We have spoken of cleaning the light fixtures. Another idea for improvement is to change out or add lights.  Again, we can concentrate on the waiting or reception area.  This can assist with updating the front space.
  1. Furniture Updates – Depending on the size of the reception and the quantity of chairs, this may or may not be possible to replace all pieces of furniture for a $1000 budget. Typically only a few pieces require replacing.  A new magazine rack or upholstery can also be a great updating option.
  1. Accessorize – The addition of plants, decor, or deodorizing can soften the appeal of an office and will make the space more inviting. We have also discussed focusing on all 5 senses when evaluating your office space.
  1. Complimentary Food + Beverage – Part of a hospitable experience can be the availability of beverage and food. These can be self serve or offered by your staff.  Often times, we can provide coffee, water or juice and small fruit or treats for your guests feel welcome.
  1. Purge – We are creatures of habit even in our office spaces. Are all things present current?  Certificates, magazines and posters or information?  Is all the “stuff” present essential?   Are there broken toys or 2 year old magazines of your favorite sports subscription still around that are not necessarily appealing to your target market? Is your furniture ripped, torn or worn out?  De-clutter! – Enjoy the space!
  1. Sound – Are you appealing to your clients’ sense of sound? There are many simple sound systems  that you can use on an iPod or internet radio as the source. Many different cost options exist.  Music is relaxing and calming and can set your clients at ease.

We hope you have enjoyed our list of 10 ideas on how you can update your office for $1000 or less.

We look forward to hearing your feedback and “What is on your Design Mind?”