(403) 230-1014 info@decca-design.com

The idea of starting a design business was an exciting idea all those years ago. As a child she was constantly exposed to the concepts of design and construction and in awe of the idea that a solution could be communicated and executed in such a way as to bring it to life. Jennifer learned design and building principals from a master: her father. She loves good design that is both beautiful and functional.

The execution of design was a motivation to create excellent systems for both efficiency and efficacy. From the constructive perspective, she could see the pitfalls especially in the chain of communication. Jennifer could envision a better way to assemble the approximately 1500 decisions to assist in the smooth execution of a design. From those challenges was born the Decca Project Exacting Process Checklist.

We enjoy excellent relationships with suppliers and contractors, as well as clients. The business objective was to build a strong, synergistic team consisting of critical thinkers. Throughout the years we have built a supportive, industrious, and ambitious team that consistently identifies and rises to new challenges. She is immensely proud of her team.

Her LEED credentials promote and assist in implementing sustainable, environmentally friendly designs. Jennifer is eagerly anticipating the new directions Decca Design Inc. will discover and establish in the future.

While not at work Jennifer renews her creative spirit by cooking, painting acrylic landscapes and camping in the western foothills. Ike Brown is Jennifer’s dog and the company mascot. A mix breed of Catahoula and Bernese Mountain dog, he is a welcome addition to the team. The office is very pet friendly. He likes long walks in the woods, homemade biscuits and no shortage of petting!

Jennifer is eagerly anticipating the new directions Decca Design Inc. will discover and establish in the future.

We would love to hear from you and “What’s on your Design Mind?”